My Clean Desk!

My desk is no longer messy, by my standard anyway. I just cleaned it up two nights ago. Here is a photo to prove it. 🙂


Well, maybe it is not as tidy as I would like, but much better already. There used to be a paper pile taller than the screen behind my laptop, and you couldn’t even see the surface of the desk at all. So much better now.

You see, I work from home most of the time. Naturally, there are all the work related things within my reach – laptop, mouse, headphones (for video conferences), books, notes, securID (for login), pen, stylus, coffee mug, etc. And, believe me, there are more books and papers on the chair next to me, and on the floor all around me. I am quite happy within this little world as my brain cells get their daily exercises, just need to be careful of the buried power cords when I try to walk away…

[Daily Post – Sweeping Motions]